Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Multimodal Hoosiwhatsit

I just want to plug something I stumbled across and really liked. I'm plugging it here because, despite the fact that it's funny, off-color at times, and not particularly cerebral, it's a great example of a way of presenting stories that is at once completely old fashioned (text and drawings) and only possible because of the new mediums provided by the internet.

Adam is a comic artist who uses Blogger to tell stories from his life with text and comic-style drawings. The result is not a short story, not a memoir, not a comic, and not really a blog. It is, however,  a hilarious and a unique way to tell a story. For example:

Now, doesn't that make you want to read the text and learn the rest of the story?

So, without further ado, here's Books of Adam. Be aware that there is infrequent profanity and the occasional adult theme. I'd rate it somewhere around PG-13.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously. I think self-effacing humor is a hallmark of the current generation of writers. Look at David Sedaris's success.

    Also, I love that you point out something that I keep telling students: by the time you're in high school, you've suffered enough to have accrued all the material you need to write for a lifetime. I believe I'm paraphrasing Proust there, but I can't remember the original source.


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