Thursday, September 6, 2012

Blog Setup 2012

On the Sample Student Blog, I've posted a full blog setup tutorial updated to reflect changes to Westport and Google's systems this year. However, my students have already done many of these steps in class, so I'm posting a shorter tutorial of the settings they need to change this week. Some of you may have already made some of these changes, but please make sure all your settings are in line with this tutorial so your blog functions properly.

Log into your school Google account. Don't forget that you may need to log out of any personal Google accounts first in order to prevent confusion. You can go to or use the Gmail link that appears on the lower right when you first log into Blackboard.

If you're at the correct login page, you'll see this box:

If you see a regular Google login page, you're in the wrong place.

Once you're logged in, you'll be in Westport Gmail. Your account will be listed in the upper right corner, so you can take a quick look there to make sure you're logged in with your Westport account instead of with a personal account.

At the top of the Gmail screen, there are different Google Apps. You want Blogger, which is typically listed under "More." Just click "More" and then select "Blogger."

Now you should see your blogger dashboard. It looks like this:

I have multiple blogs under my account, but you'll only have the one you just made. The orange button with the picture of a pencil on it creates a new post. The little picture of documents next to that takes you to a list of all the posts you've written (which is nothing yet). The little arrow next to that will pop of a list of different things you can change about your blog, but what we're interested in right now is "Settings," so click the little arrow and then click "Settings."

That takes you to a page with this lefthand menu of all the settings you can tweak. Please set the following items according to the instructions so your blog gets setup properly for class.

Under "Basic" (which is where you should be already), make this change:

For "Blog Readers" click "Edit," then "Only these readers." You should get an "add readers" button. Click that and paste in the e-mail list of your class (which should be emailed by your teacher to your Gmail address).  You can also add additional readers by typing their names or school Gmail addresses.

Click the orange "Save Changes" button at the bottom.

Now pick "Posts and comments" from the lefthand menu. Note: you want "Posts and comments" under "Settings," not the big "Comments" item further up the menu.

For "Who Can Comment," select "Users with Google Accounts."
For "Comment Moderation," select "Never."
For "Word Verification" switch it from "yes" to "no."

Click "Save Settings" in the upper right corner.

Now pick "Mobile and email" from the lefthand menu.

Under "Comment Notification E-mail," enter your school Gmail address and your teacher's school e-mail address ([firstinitial]
Under "Email posts to," enter your teacher's school e-mail address again.

Click "Save" in the upper right corner.

Now pick "Language and formatting" from the lefthand menu.
Under "Time Zone" pick (GMT-05:00 Eastern Time).

Click "Save" in the upper right corner.

You're done! You're ready to start writing, sharing, and reflecting. That wasn't so bad, right?

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